Instrument testing in Resurrection Bay near Seward, Alaska.

Instrument testing in Resurrection Bay near Seward, Alaska.

I am the founder and CEO of Tini Scientific. Armed with expertise in oceanography, ecology, technology and pop culture, we are creating new data sources and data pipelines with innovative low-cost sensor networks. We repurpose everyday technology to take, view and share data with anyone, anywhere anytime.

I am a Data Scientist, Physical Oceanographer and Systems Engineer based in Seattle, Washington.

  • As an expert in sensor and system design, I’ve worked globally with customers to develop sensors with the highest accuracy in the industry.

  • As a data scientist and analyst, I’ve shaped strategic planning and technology roadmapping for new software and SaaS.

  • As an educator, I directly trained scientists and technicians on technical best practices for oceanographic instrumentation and data analysis.

  • As an academic, I aimed to understand the pathways of energy in the ocean from large to small scales, with a focus on internal waves.

  • As a human, I led a D+I team that coordinated actions across multiple operating companies, running internal workshops and completing 8 company-wide action items.

In conjunction with work, I am an active online science communicator, tweeting as @rejectedbanana and blogging at Deep Sea News, combining humor and popular culture with cold, hard science to cultivate a broader appreciation of science and its benefits. 

Looking for a job in industry? I’ve assembled some resources for you.

Interested in entrepreneurship? Book recommendations here.