Aurora Borealis in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Aurora Borealis in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Oral Presentations

University of Washington CEWA590 Guest Lecture, April 2022: Water Quality and CTDs

Scripps Institute of Oceanography, April 2022: Sea-Bird Scientific Career Trajectory Panel

Argo Steering Team Meeting, March 2022: SBS 83 Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

Argo Data Management Team Meeting, December 2021: Update on Abrupt Salty Drifters

Sea-Bird Scientific YouTube, August 2021: Understanding Conductivity Cells with Dr. Kim Martini

Argo Steering Team Meeting January 2021: A proposal for incremental innovation in Core Argo and Beyond

UGA/Skidaway Marine Sciences Department Seminar, January 2021: The Science of Sea-Bird Scientific

Argo Steering Team Meeting, January 2021: Ongoing Technical Innovation: How can Argo test and implement incremental improvements?

NOAA EcoFOCI Seminar December 2020: The Science of Sea-Bird Scientific

Argo Data Management Team Meeting November 2020: Update on Sea-Bird CTDs

Argo Steering Team Meeting April 2020: Update on Core and Deep Argo CTDs

Ocean Science 2020 Popup Talk February 2020: How not to get an academic job - A useful to-don’t list for the 80% that won’t be on the tenure track

University of Washington Ocean Technology Guest Lecturer January 2020: Basic Sensor - Technology and Use

Argo Data Management Team Meeting September 2020: Dynamic Corrections for SBE CTDs and Field Conductivity Drift

Deep Argo Workshop May 2019: Corrections for SBE 61 Cell Compressibility

Argo Delayed_mode QC Workshop of CTD data December 2018: Is my salinity correctable? Drift and fouling in SBE 41cps

19th Argo Data Management Meeting December 2018: Recent Developments in the cell thermal mass correction

Biogeochemical Profiling Float Workshop July 2018: Navis BGCi float and BGC sensor performance

Argo Steering Team Meeting 19 March 2018: Updates and improvements to the Sea-Bird NAVIS fleet and SBE 41cp CTDs

AGU Ocean Sciences 2018: Dynamic corrections for Sea-Bird Surface Temperature Salinity Sensors (STS) in Argo Profiling Floats

Argo Technical Meeting 2017: Corrections for pumped SBE 41cp CTDs determined from stratified tank experiments

AGU Ocean Sciences 2016: Ten years of temporal and spatial low-mode internal wave variability in the Atlantic Basin at 26N

AGU Fall Meeting 2015: Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Deformation from 2000-2010

AGU Ocean Sciences 2014: Arctic internal waves: Seasonal cycles and predicted trends.

UW Physical Oceanography Seminar January 2014: Seasonal cycles and trends of the wind-generated near-inertial wave field in the Beaufort Sea

IPY Montreal Conference April 2012: Arctic near-inertial internal waves observations on the Beaufort Slope. 

AGU Ocean Sciences February 2012: Near-inertial internal waves and mixing on the Beaufort Slope. 

WHOI Physical Oceanography Seminar October 2009: Internal waves and mixing on the Oregon continental slope. 

AGU Ocean Sciences February 2008: Local- and remotely-generated internal waves on the Oregon Continental Slope. 

University of Victoria May 2007: Diagnosing an internal standing wave in Mamala Bay, Hawaii. 

Poster Presentations

AGU Ocean Sciences 2022: Three is a magic number: A comparison of three oxygen sensors deployed on one BGC float

AGU Ocean Sciences 2020: The Second String:A proposal to improve Argo salinity data from CTDs with onboard dynamic corrections

OceanObs 2020 September 2019: The SBE 61 CTD: Measuring the Bottom Half of the Ocean

Ocean Salinity Conference November 2018: Temperature and salinity drift in Sea-Bird Moored CTDs

Alaska Marine Science Symposium January 2015: Internal wave generation and propagation in the Chukchi Sea

Les Houches Internal Waves Workshop February 2011: Arctic near-inertial internal waves observations on the Beaufort Slope. 

AGU Ocean Sciences February 2010: Internal tides and mixing on the Oregon continental slope. 

AGU Ocean Sciences February 2006: Group Velocity: Diagnosing standing and propagating waves in Mamala Bay, Hawaii.